Slavery, a crime against humanity which lasted for centuries within the European exploitation of their colonies in the Americas, requires acknowledgement and spiritual as well as material reparation. This also applies to the case of Switzerland, which, as a social, economic, ideological and cultural space, was involved in that system and profited from it from the 16th to the 19th century. Reparations must be the negotiated result of a dialogue between the descendants of those who profited from that system and the descendants of the victims.
SCORES consists of (as of 14th November 2021):
Vania Alleva, President of the Swiss trade union Unia (Berne)
Izabel Barros, historian, MA in History and Sociology, former programme manager for Brazil for the Swiss NGO Cooperaxion (Berne)
Peter Bodenmann, hotel manager, former Socialist MP (National Council) and former member of the government of the Canton of Wallis, President of the Socialist Party of Switzerland 1990-1997 (Brig)
Ina Boesch, Dr. phil., cultural anthropologist, publicist (Zurich)
Guy Bollag, Guy Bollag, socio-cultural animator HFSSKA, former member of the executive committe of the Swiss Refugee Council SFH, member of the «Jewish Voice for Democracy and Justice in Israel/Palestine», jvjp (Zurich)
Rolf Bossart, Dr., Lecturer for Religious Studies at St.Gallen University of Teacher Education – PHSG; staff member of the International Institute of Political Murder, IIPM (St.Gallen)
Barnabás Bosshart, photographer (Winterthur/ Alcântara, Maranhão, Brasilien, ✝ 2020)
Yvonne Apiyo Brändle-Amolo, Fem-artivist, intercultural mediator, Socialist member of municipal Parliament of Schlieren (Schlieren)
Marianne Bühler, social pedagogue, advisor and counselor for refugees (Neuchâtel)
Pierre Bühler, Prof. emeritus in Theology of Zurich University (Neuchâtel)
Cécile Bühlmann, MP of the Green Party 1991–2006 (National Council), Vice President of the Federal Commission Against Racism FCR 1995–2007 (Lucerne)
Théo Buss, militant, author, theologian (La Chaux-de-Fonds)
Franco Cavalli, M.D., oncologist and cancer researcher, former Socialist MP (National Council) and former President of the Socialist Parliamentary Group (Ascona TI)
Clément Crevoisier, historian (Yverdon-les-Bains / Delémont)
Martin R. Dean, writer and essayist, author of – among others – «Verbeugung vor Spiegeln. Über das Eigene und das Fremde» (Basel)
Beat Dietschy, Dr. phil. I, theologian and philosopher, president of COMUNDO (NGO for personnel development cooperation), former executive director of NGO «Bread for all» (Berne)
Monika Dommann, Prof. Dr., Chair for History of the Modern World, University of Zurich; Co-director of the Competence Centre History of Knowledge (Zurich)
Francesca Falk, Dr., Lecturer in Migration History, University of Berne (Berne)
Hans Fässler, lic. phil. I, historian, author, activist, former Socialist MP in the legislature of the Canton of St.Gallen, founder of the «Demounting Louis Agassiz» campaign, SCORES spokesperson (St.Gallen)
Hildegard Fässler, Master of Science in Mathematics, former Socialist MP (National Council) and former President of the Socialist Parliamentary Group (Grabs SG)
Beat Flach, MLaw/SIA, MP (National Council) for the Green Liberal Party of Switzerland (Auenstein AG)
Claudia Friedl, Dr. rer. nat. Federal Institute of Science and Technology, environmental scientist, Socialist MP (National Council) (St. Gallen)
Carmel Fröhlicher-Stines, lic. phil. I, psychologist and psychotherapist with Haitian roots, member of the Federal Migration Commission, co-director of the NGO «Equipe pour le perfectionnement de l’éducation et la formation professionnelle en Haïti» (Zurich)
Karin Fuchs, Prof. Dr. phil. I, historian, Professor for Teaching and Learning History at the University of Teacher Education Lucerne; Lecturer in Teaching and Learning History at the University of Freiburg/Fribourg (Basel)
Tamara Funicello, political activist, feminist, socialist, co-president of the Socialist Women of Switzerland, Member of Parliament (National Council) (Berne)
Andreas Gross, political scientist and historian, lecturer at the University of St.Gallen and at HSU Hamburg, Socialist MP (National Council) 1991–2015, member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe 1995–2016 (St.Ursanne JU)
Barbara Gysi, Socialist MP (National Council), Vice President of the Socialist Party of Switzerland, President of the Trade Union of Federal Employees – PVB (Wil)
Lukas Hartmann, writer, author of the novel «Die Mohrin» (Spiegel near Berne)
Stefan Haupt, film director and producer, Dr. h.c. (honorary degree) of the Faculty of Theology of Zurich University (Zurich)
Walter Hauser, Dr. iur., President and founder of the «Anna Göldi Foundation» in Glarus, author of – among other books – «Der Justizmord an Anna Göldi» (Glarus and Weesen)
Richard Hirzel, aka Swiss circus clown «Pic» (St.Gallen)
Andreas Hoessli, Dr. phil, film director (Berlin/Zurich)
Pia Hollenstein, Master of Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics, former MP (National Council) for the Green Party (St.Gallen)
Sasha Huber, visual artist of Swiss-Haitian heritage, PhD student at the Department of Art & Media at Zurich University of the Arts, member of the «Demounting Louis Agassiz» committee (Helsinki, Finland)
Annette Hug, writer (Zurich)
Matthias Hui, theologian, Editor of «Neue Wege» (journal of religious socialism), coordinator NGO platform Human Rights Switzerland (Berne)
Thomas Huonker, Dr. phil. I, historian specialising in the history of the Romani, Sinti and Yenish minorities, the discrimination of indentured child labourers, and the involuntary commitment and forced labour of deviant strata of the population in Switzerland (Zurich)
Markus Imhoof, Swiss film director (Berlin, Germany)
Christina Jaccard, gospel and blues singer (Zurich)
Ronja Jansen, former President of the Young Socialists of Switzerland (Frenkendorf BL)
Elisabeth Joris, Dr. phil., independent historian (Zurich)
Hans Ulrich Jost, historian, Prof. emeritus of Lausanne University (Lausanne)
Werner Kallenberger, Prof. emeritus of Law, Dr. jur. (Zurich)
Rita Kesselring, Dr., social anthropologist, Senior Lecturer at the Chair of Social Anthropology, University of Basel; Member of ADR – Swiss Apartheid Debt and Reparations Campaign, and board member of fepa – Fund for Development and Partnership (Basel)
Christian Kind, M.D., professor of pediatrics, former president of the Central Ethics Commission of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS), former President of the Executive Council of the Protestant Parish of Central St.Gallen (St.Gallen)
Konrad Kuhn, Ass. Prof. PD Dr., Cultural Anthropologist, University of Innsbruck (Zurich)
Rudolf Küng, lic. phil. I, journalist specialising in African affairs, former Africa correspondent of Swiss National Public Radio (Zurich)
Josef Lang, historian and former MP (National Council) (Bern)
Pedro Lenz, Swiss writer and spoken word artist (Olten SO)
Lisa Leuenberger, M.D., gynecologist (Gümligen BE)
Susanne Leutenegger Oberholzer, former MP (National Council), degrees in Law and Economics from Basel University, attorney (Augst)
Irene Loebell, film director (Zurich)
André Loembe, Dr., telecommunications engineer, Vice President of CRAN – monitoring NGO for Anti-Black Racism in Switzerland (Berne)
Barbara Lüthi, Dr., member of the scientific staff of the Department of North American Studies at the Institute of History of Cologne University (Basel)
Ueli Mäder, sociologist, Dr., Prof. emeritus of the University of Basel, former Dean of the Faculty of the Humanities of the University of Basel (Basel)
Giorgio Malinverni, Honorary Professor of Geneva University, former Judge at the European Court of Human Rights (Geneva)
Dick Marty, Dr. iur. Dr. h.c., former Liberal MP (Council of States), former chairman of the Commission on Human Rights of the European Council
(✝ 2023)
Iren Meier, journalist, former Eastern Europe and Middle East Correspondent of Swiss National Public Radio (Berne)
Andreas Missbach, Dr., Head of the Department for Commodities, Trade, and Finance; member of the Executive Board of the Swiss NGO «Public Eye» (Zurich)
Fabian Molina, Socialist MP (National Council), member of the Committee on Foreign Relations, Co-director of the NGO Swissaid (Zurich)
Daniel V. Moser-Léchot, Dr. phil. hist., Lecturer emeritus in History and History Didactics at the University of Teacher Education, former editor-in-chief of the Swiss Journal of Teaching and Education (Berne)
Pascal Mösli, theologian, coach and lecturer (Berne)
Barbara Müller-Frei, ethnologist, Co-President of FEPA – NGO active in Zimbabwe and South Africa (Basel)
Fredi M. Murer, filmmaker (Zurich)
Kanyana Mutombo, Doctor in International Relations, former head of the UNESCO-Programme Against Racism and Discrimination, General Secretary of CRAN – Observatory for Anti-Black Racism in Switzerland, Director of the «Université populaire africaine en Suisse» (Geneva)
Marianne Naeff, lic. phil. Sociology, program manager for Liberia with Fair Recycling (Berne)
Tarek Naguib, lic. iur., lawyer and activist with focus on anti-discrimination legislation, ‹Neue Schweiz› Institute, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (Berne)
Markus Noll, Prof. emeritus for Molecular Biology of Zurich University (Schlieren ZH)
Andreas Nufer, Protestant Minister at Berne’s «Church of the Holy Spirit» (Berne)
Olivier Pavillon, former director of Lausanne’s Museum of History, author of the 2017 study «Des Suisses au coeur de la traite négrière» (Pully)
Niklaus Peter, Dr. theol., Protestant minister at Fraumünster Church in Zurich (Zurich)
Katharina Prelicz-Huber, MP (National Council) for the Green Party of Switzerland, President of the Swiss Public Services Union – VPOD, Professor for Social Work (Zurich)
Stefan Ramseier, Protestant Minister in Bümpliz BE, former member of the General Assembly («Synod») of the Protestant Churches of the Berne-Jura-Solothurn Region (Berne)
Milo Rau, Swiss director, playwright, essayist and scientist, theater manager of the City Theatre Ghent, and director of IIPM – International Institute of Political Murder (Cologne, Zurich and Southern France)
Karl Johannes Rechsteiner, Communication Representative of the Catholic Church of the Berne Region, President of the Swiss NGO Cooperaxion (Signau/Bern)
Paul Rechsteiner, lic. iur., lawyer, Socialist MP (Council of States), President of the Swiss Trade Union Congress 1998-2018 (St.Gallen)
Christian M. Rutishauser SJ, Rev. Dr., Provincial of the Swiss Jesuits (Zurich)
Samir, Swiss film director and producer (Zurich)
Bernhard C. Schär, Dr., senior staff member at the Chair for History of the Modern World (Federal Institute of Science and Technology, ETHZ, Zurich), lecturer in Cultural History at the Swiss Distance University Institute (Berne)
Karin Scheiber, Dr. theol., theologian, state grammar school teacher for Religious Education (St.Gallen)
Martin Schmidt, Protestant minister, theologian and religious educator (Haag)
Rainer J. Schweizer, Professor emeritus for Constitutional and International Law (St.Gallen)
Urs Sekinger, ethnologist, President of SOLIFONDS, solidarity fund for the social struggles for liberation in the Third World (Zurich)
Christoph Sigrist, Prof. Dr. theol., Protestant Minister at Zurich’s «Grossmünster» Church, Titular Professor of Diaconal Studies at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Berne (Zurich)
Ana Sobral, Prof. Dr., Assistant Professor of Global Literatures in English, English Seminar, Zurich University (Zurich)
Carlo Sommaruga, attorney, Socialist MP (National Council 2003–2019, Council of States from 2019 on), President of the Swiss Tenants› Union, President of Swiss NGO «Solidar Suisse» (Geneva)
Manuel Stahlberger, singer-songwriter and graphic artist (St.Gallen)
Peter Stamm, writer (Winterthur)
Regula Stämpfli, Dr. phil., political scientist, lecturer (University of St.Gallen), member of the executive committee of «Swissfuture», author, independent expert for the European Commission (Munich/ Zurich)
Niklaus Stettler, Prof. Dr., historian, co-author of «Baumwolle, Sklaven und Kredite», Professor for Archival Science at the Graubünden University of Teacher Education – PHGR (Sissach BL)
Rudolf Strahm, former MP, former Swiss Federal Price Watchdog (Herrenschwanden BE)
Jakob Tanner, historian, Prof. emeritus for History of the Modern World, University of Zurich (Zurich)
Samantha Wanjiru, Managing Director of Blackink KLG, organizer of Black Lives Matter demonstration in St. Gallen, «Saiten»-columnist (St.Gallen)
Matthias Weishaupt, Dr. phil. I, historian, mediator, former member of the government of the Canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden (Teufen AR)
Cédric Wermuth, Socialist MP (National Council), Co-President of the Social-Democratic Party of Switzerland, SPS (Zofingen AG)
Scotty J. Williams, Dr. min., former Pastor of «All Souls Protestant Church» (St.Gallen)
Urs Wüthrich-Pelloli, former federal Secretary of the Swiss Public Services Union and former member of the cantonal government of Basel-Landschaft (Sissach, † 2022)
Dieter Zellweger, Protestant minister, President of the «Swiss Moravian Mission» (Basel)
Beatrice Ziegler, Prof. emeritus, Dr., formerly «Centre for Political Education and Didactics of History», Pedagogical University FHNW at the Centre for Democracy, Aarau (Berne)
Jean Ziegler, sociologist, author, former MP (national council), former Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, member of the Advisory Committee of the UN Human Rights Council (Russin GE)